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Randi Kravitz
A spider I respect (a great Web designer, too)
Jul 2, 2008
“It is not often that someone comes along who is a true friend and a good writer. Charlotte was both.” – the end of
Charlotte’s Web
by E.B. White
updated: 15 years ago
Time flies when you’re keeping busy
Revolutions per minute
Can I get a high five?
At least I still own
A year in the life
Helping people beat The Beetis
Writer emerges unscathed from self-imposed desk sentence
Write into fall
Can world peace be far behind?
Record stores still exist
On second thought, I’ll have a muffin
A spider I respect (a great Web designer, too)
Why I don’t watch TV anymore
Increase sales with simple fact-checking!
Current freelance project: a perfect fit
Happy 50th Anniversary, Mad Libs
Another batch of quotes
The Chronicles of Randi’s Food Misunderstandings, mid-’90s excerpt
The Giver Giveth (and Taketh Away)
The other Randi Kravitzes
I like a challenge
More great quotes about writing and editing
Wanna play in the sandbox?
Adopt a Donut — a message from your local bakery
A fun cover letter I wrote for some freelance work
Everybody Cut Footloose!
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