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Randi Kravitz
Welcome to my website
Oct 23, 2007
Many thanks to Jim and Catherine Infantino of
for helping me to create this site to showcase some of my work! If you need a site, I recommend them. If you need a writer, editor, or proofreader, I recommend
updated: 16 years ago
Time flies when you’re keeping busy
Revolutions per minute
Can I get a high five?
At least I still own
A year in the life
Helping people beat The Beetis
Writer emerges unscathed from self-imposed desk sentence
Write into fall
Can world peace be far behind?
Record stores still exist
On second thought, I’ll have a muffin
A spider I respect (a great Web designer, too)
Why I don’t watch TV anymore
Increase sales with simple fact-checking!
Current freelance project: a perfect fit
Happy 50th Anniversary, Mad Libs
Another batch of quotes
The Chronicles of Randi’s Food Misunderstandings, mid-’90s excerpt
The Giver Giveth (and Taketh Away)
The other Randi Kravitzes
I like a challenge
More great quotes about writing and editing
Wanna play in the sandbox?
Adopt a Donut — a message from your local bakery
A fun cover letter I wrote for some freelance work
Everybody Cut Footloose!
Welcome to my website
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